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Certification & Quality Assurance

Keystone provides certification and quality assurance services to manufacturers in a range of industries. We are not a manufacturer and do not provide warranties or other guarantees. We help manufacturers demonstrate that their products meet various performance characteristics, which demonstrates compliance with building codes and energy efficiency programs.

Looking to Purchase a Certified Product

Visit our Certified Product Directory to look up a product and rating. Or search for a manufacture by name or location.

Find Information from a Label

Certified products typically bear a label that indicates which specification the product was certified to and some information about the manufacturer, model and the rating. The label on your window, door or other product means that the product was certified by Keystone Certifications based on testing that was completed for specific requirements. Examples: NFRC, CSA, ASTM, AAMA.

This label can be used to find the manufacturer and more product information by looking up the relevant code, CAR# or Cert# in our Certified Product Directory.

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